Mark Brierley

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    Hyperextension Exercises

    Hyperextension exercises are a crucial component of strength training and fitness routines, focusing on the extension of the spine to enhance overall core stability and posterior chain strength. This category of exercises primarily targets the muscles along the back of the body, including the lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and even the muscles surrounding the spine.

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  • Mexican Carne Con Chilli

    Mexican Carne Con Chilli

    Here we are again with another new high protein slow cooker recipe from Scott Baptie Food for Fitness. Just 328 calories, 46g protein, 18g carbs, 8g fat per serving. The house smelt amazing when I returned home from the gym whilst this was still cooking. Chopped onion, garlic cloves, smoked chilli paste, chilli powder, cumin,…

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  • ParkRun #3

    ParkRun #3

    It’s 0835 and I’m sitting in my car at the Blackpool Sports Centre car park, making good use of the heated seats and keeping warm before it’s time to head over to the Stanley Park clock tower and the start of my third ParkRun event. 0845 and it’s the now familiar walk towards the assembly…

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  • BP Optimal

    BP Optimal

    One of the many interesting metrics I’ve been tracking since the start has been Blood Pressure. Whilst I’ve never been on any BP meds, it was often teetering on the higher end of the scale where you’d need to keep an eye on it. Over the weeks it has been decreasing steadily. I’m using the…

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  • Week 14 – Update

    Week 14 – Update

    Day 98 End of Week Fourteen – 27th October0.9kg (2 lbs) weight loss Total weight loss, to date18.7kg (41.2 lbs / 3st) Which is a loss of 17.0% of my starting body weight So first things first…Today is another milestone on this journey of mine… 3 stone (17.0% of my July 21st body weight) now confined to…

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Please support Bowel Cancer UK via my JustGiving page, as I prepare and train for the Great North Run 2024