Mark Brierley

  • ParkRun #18 – Take Two

    ParkRun #18 – Take Two

    Ok, so last week was a tricky one with ParkRun. It should have been my 18th successful ParkRun but my brain had other ideas and decided it didn’t want to complete the full 5k run and I gave in and pulled out after the first lap, just 2.6km. I did get my revenge though and…

    Read more: ParkRun #18 – Take Two
  • ParkRun #18 – Not my best

    ParkRun #18 – Not my best

    OK… so the title of this post reveals a little bit of this weeks’ story. It started much the same as many other Saturdays have started over recent weeks… my Garmin clearly knows what’s coming up.

    Read more: ParkRun #18 – Not my best
  • ParkRun #17

    ParkRun #17

    A wet start to the day, but it wasn’t cold, and once again my Garmin Epix Pro (Gen 2) was very aware it had work to do, tracking my performance over the 5km of the Stanley Park route.

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  • ParkRun #16

    ParkRun #16

    Another Saturday and another ParkRun, my seventh in eight weeks and five personal bests since the beginning of May. Last week saw me achieve another landmark PB and getting below 29 mins for the first time. I went into this ParkRun with high expectations. Once again my Garmin Epix Pro (Gen 2) was very aware…

    Read more: ParkRun #16
  • ParkRun Age Grading

    ParkRun Age Grading

    What is Age Grading? Age grading seeks to “level the playing field”. Take, for example, the following four parkrunners: a 9 year old girl who finishes with a time of 29:15, a 23 year old male with a time of 21:30, a 65 year old man on 27:57, and a 75 year old woman with…

    Read more: ParkRun Age Grading

Please support Bowel Cancer UK via my JustGiving page, as I prepare and train for the Great North Run 2024