Yesterday evening was lower body/leg day with Matty the PT.
Following a 7 minute warm up on the treadmill it was into the, now familiar, dumbbell walking lunges and SkiErg supersets.
Then into squats and kettlebell pull-ups.
Next up was the dreaded Sled Push, also known as the Prowler Push. This always wipes me out.
Then it was onto the leg curl machine, before heading back upstairs… now this was interesting. As I approached the first step something quite odd happened. I moved my right leg up to the next step only to find my leg hadn’t elevated to the next step level. Quite a bizarre feeling. I had to really work hard to get my feet to climb the stairs. I’ve had wobbly legs on these lower body days before, but nothing quite like this!
Anyway, I finally made it upstairs to the mats for core exercises (half crunches and something else I know not the name of), and then ended the session with some stretches.
We’ve joked about the sweaty marks I’ve left behind on the mats following these exercises on previous sessions, so this time I asked Matty to take a photo for me (my phone being locked away in my changing room locker).