Introducing “Coach Ken”

Ken is a good friend who has been very supportive with my ‘journey’. Knowing how much he was into fitness and nutrition, I asked him back in July if he would give me some advice and support as I started my ‘weight loss journey’. He was more than happy to do so, and then some!

There is considerable distance between us with me on the North West Coast of England and Ken up in the North East. But that is nothing compared to the distances when he’s away at sea for 3-4 months at a time as Chief Officer on board the mammoth container ships that feed our global demands for consumer goods. With a mutual interest in Jaguar Cars, we meet up when circumstances allow, the rest of the time we keep in touch over WhatsApp.

A chance meeting back in March 2023 led to forming a strong friendship which has resulted in this incredible life-changing journey.

Coach Ken guided me from the basics of calorie counting/deficit, through the benefits of meal replacement protein shakes (and protein brownies) and amazing high protein recipes. He’s encouraged me to think beyond just diet and suggested I should consider joining a gym. Not something I’ve ever done before. Not something I am particularly keen to do. But something I need to give serious consideration to.

Read the full story – Who is Coach Ken

Over the weekend, a friend wanted to bet me a tenner that I wouldn’t last, that I wouldn’t achieve my goal, that I would fail.

Ken’s response:

Don’t worry Mark, you’ll achieve your goals.

I’m told somebody tried to bet you a tenner this weekend that you wouldn’t last.

Trust me on this, you’re making new habits every single day. You’re reinforcing good habits and getting rid of the bad ones.

Consistency is all that matters. Consistently show up. Consistently make better choices. Your mindset and lifestyle doesn’t change overnight.

Bad days don’t make a bad week. Adjust the rest of the week to compensate for a bad day.

Progress isn’t always going to be this easy. When you hit a plateau, you adjust and reset, and find the sweet spot again.

You’ve got this.

Coach Ken, 14 August 2023

This is what Ken does. He’s an incredible motivator.

Can’t Is Won’t

One of the early phrases that kept getting repeated over and over in conversations was “Can’t is Won’t”. If I said I can’t do anything, that would be the response. So much so that if my personal trainer says to me “if you can’t manage 15 reps, just do 10” I am compelled to push all the way through to complete the required 15 reps, and then utter the immortal words “Can’t Is Won’t”.

What Gets Measured Gets Improved

Another key phrase that often comes up is “What gets measured gets improved”. Quite simple really. As well as measuring calorie and macro intake, you measure waist, chest, biceps, quads, calves. Keeping weekly measurements helps track progress and improvement.

There’s no inappropriate weather, only inappropriate clothing

Ok… so when talking about outdoor exercise sessions, I dared to suggest that the weather may not be great one day and I may get a bit wet. Ken’s response… “There’s no inappropriate weather only inappropriate clothing.”

Excuses Don’t Burn Calories

I think this one really is self explanatory.

You’ve Got This

And then there is a very key phrase, often ending messages with the words “You’ve got this”. The ultimate phrase to demonstrate belief in my abilities, my achievements, my goals and my progress.

Thanks Ken… I’ve Got This, thanks to a lot of support from you.

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