Some time ago Coach Ken sent me a work out plan to follow when I started in the gym. Sunday to Friday had weights sessions, cardio sessions but Saturday had nothing scheduled in the gym. Oh no, it wasn’t to be a day off… for Saturday, it simply said…

So “get over it” I did and here I am.
0800 Time to head off to Stanley Park in Blackpool for what will be my first Park Run.

And that’s my first ParkRun done and dusted.
Good effort mate.
That’s 23.7% of a half marathon. The time isn’t important. Your goal is just to finish the half marathon. Nobody cares about time. You’re not going to be setting any records apart from your own PB. Time spent training, this is what will get you through injury free.
The next book for you to read is being delivered tomorrow. It’s called The Art of Resilience, by Ross Edgley.
Coach Ken, 14th October 2023